Rating Your Terrible Reptile Enclosures - #1

Rating Your Terrible Reptile Enclosures - #1

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It's been requested I review your pet's enclosures. So, today I give my thoughts on animal setups for ball pythons, leopard geckos, Russian tortoises, Chinese water dragons, carpet pythons and many more species! Some enclosures are bioactive, while others are very simplistic. Some clean, some, not so clean. What's your two cents on these reptile setups?

●● Stuff from me ●●
Purchase a reptile http://emeraldscales.com
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Shelving for reptiles https://kit.co/GoHerping/shelving-for-enclosures
Heating for reptiles https://kit.co/GoHerping/best-animal-heating-supplies
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●● Credits ●●
Edited by: http://youtube.com/cynicaljustin
Music from: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/wfujl8/
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