FIVE MISTAKES Venomous Snake Keepers Make

FIVE MISTAKES Venomous Snake Keepers Make

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Keeping venomous snakes has risks.
Just like owning horses, cattle, firearms, or an automobile.
However ALL of these can be safely owned by those with a little bit of common sense and self discipline.

Over the years I have seen and heard of many keepers that have been envenomated by a captive snake. In this video we compile the 5 things that we believe will increase the likelyhood that you will be among them. By following these rules you can have much greater success living and working around these animals than you will by ignoring them. There seems to be an attitude among many venomous keepers that getting bitten by a venomous snake is like a badge of honor. That is the epitome of stupidity. Good drivers are not characterized by the number of wrecks they have. Good carpenters aren't defined by the number of fingers that they "accidently" cut off on a table saw. I have always admired those who have had careers without taking a bite, and tried to follow their example. Here is how we've done it...

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