Dog Leash Training Hack! #dogtraining #goldenretriever

Dog Leash Training Hack! #dogtraining #goldenretriever

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Most people try to walk a little bit faster when their dog pulls on leash … maybe that will satisfy the dog and they will stop pulling? 🤷🏻‍♀️

The answer is no it won’t … unless you are VERY fit or your dog is VERY slow, you will not be able to just speed-walk leash pulling away.
We need to train for it!

And the best way to do it is to actually reverse the process … and go from running after your dog to standing still!

We like to first teach the position by our inside without movement, and only once the dog understands well we start to take small steps. Keep a high rate of reinforcement so the dog understands what you want!

Of course, you should always start this in an environment in which your dog can pay attention (for some dogs this is inside at first).

Have you ever tried to speed-walk your dog’s leash pulling problem away? (It’s okay - I think everyone has done it at some point 😁)

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