Issues and tips for mastering e-collar Heel | The Good Dog Training

Issues and tips for mastering e-collar Heel | The Good Dog Training

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Publish Date:
15 November, 2022
Dog Training
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Some common issues and some solid tips for mastering e-collar Heel.

Benji has a history of lunging—severely—at dogs and humans in the past. Once we put him through our program, that all became a thing of the past. But transferring all this to the owner, and getting Benji to buy-in to the new relationship dynamic is the challenge we’re tackling here.

Common mistakes:
-Adjusting your speed to the dog, rather than having the dog adjust to yours. That means the dog is Heeling you, rather than the other way around. Pick a pace, and hold it, and then find the e-collar level which causes the dog to return to/hold position.

-Using your arm unconsciously to restrain or pull the dog back into position. This means you’re teaching leash training, not e-collar training. Just let the arm hang naturally, and use the e-collar, and once again, the correct levels, to cause the dog to clean up their position.

-Chasing, or getting “behind” the dog’s escalation sequence. You see this ALMOST happen at one point when Benji forges ahead. Instead, be aware when in an environment which will likely trigger your dog, watch for any subtle change (ears up, forehead wrinkled, staring, speeding up), and then correct the instant the change occurs, and find the level the dog cares about as fast as possible.

-Don’t allow any cha-cha-cha. Meaning, don’t allow even small position deviations of forward or backward. This indicate the dog’s mind is vacillating, and you’re likely losing them.

-Walk slow. This challenges the dog to hold the Heel position at a pace that is unnatural and requires intense focus—which keeps the dog’s mind on you, and will tire the dog out far more than speed walking. It also shows you that the dog is actually Heeling and not just cruising along at a pace that is perfect, and just happens to keep the dog in the right position.

-Take on challenges commensurate with your current skill/comfort level. Don’t go to the World Series until you’re ready. Take your time. Having great unconscious mechanics with your tools, body motion, and verbal tone—and knowing how to seamlessly put them altogether, will enable you to succeed in more challenging situations.

PS, Benji is at the corrective phase of e-collar Heel, so it’s just a tap correction for reminders. The teaching process looks very different.

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