Punish Or Praise: The Dog Training Controversy. Dr. Stephanie Yue Cottee | The No Bad Dogs Podcast

Punish Or Praise: The Dog Training Controversy. Dr. Stephanie Yue Cottee | The No Bad Dogs Podcast

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Should I use a correction or positive reinforcement in my dog training: punishment or reward, the carrot or the stick? In today's episode, I have the genuine pleasure of speaking with welfare scientist Dr. Stephanie Yue Cottee, who discusses the nuances, misinformation, and biases surrounding this highly contentious topic, among many others.

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00:00 - Meeting Dr. Stephanie Yue Cottee
05:52 - Dog Breeding
22:21 - Dog Training Is Work
36:08 - Dog Training Ecosystem (Who's Right?)
56:58 - Force Free Training VS Forceful Correction
02:39:34 - A Positive Example of Correction
02:54:52 - Corrections Are Supposed To Be Stressful
03:03:17 - Testimonials
03:07:38 - Balancing Ideologies
03:30:25 - The Importance Of Establishing Universal Definitions
03:49:11 - Public Perception VS Evidence
04:08:40 - Pitfalls Of Internet Dog Training Advice
04:16:51 - Thank You For Watching!

As always, THANK YOU for watching; leave a comment to support the channel!

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