Puppy Trick Training | How to teach a Dog 'Middle' / 'Peek-A-Boo' | Full Training Tutorial

Puppy Trick Training | How to teach a Dog 'Middle' / 'Peek-A-Boo' | Full Training Tutorial

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In this dog training tutorial we go through the steps to teach your puppy or adult dog how to perform the 'Middle' position between your legs, this is also something called a Peek-A-Boo, the pup needs to come from behind you, go through and then sit under you legs finishing by looking up at you, hence the cue 'pee-a-boo'. It's a fun trick to train your puppy as it's engaging and we can then add on different dog training behaviours after. Towards the end of this tutorial we will look at some ideas of what you can teach your pup after you train the Middle position.

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