STOP Your Dog From Pulling To Other Dogs!

STOP Your Dog From Pulling To Other Dogs!

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Going for a walk with a dog that pulls towards EVERY other dog on the street gets exhausting and frustrating quick. Teaching your dog the value of focusing on you with a loose leash will change EVERYTHING!

Teach Your Dog To Stop Jumping In 4 Easy Steps -

Loose Leash Walking Training Made Easy! -

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00:00 - STOP Your Dog From Pulling Towards Other Dogs
00:46 - Teaching Your Dog To Focus On You
02:29 - Teaching Your Dog To Listen To You
03:32 - The Importance Of A Collar Hold To Build Confidence
03:58 - Leash Technique Can Make The BIGGEST Difference
05:41 - Get Personalized Support From A Professional Dog Trainer
06:15 - Using Toys To Avoid Distractions
08:09 - Distance Control During Loose Leash Walking

Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken

#looseleashwalking #mccanndogs

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