The Internet Is FULL Of Bad Dog Training Advice...

The Internet Is FULL Of Bad Dog Training Advice...

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In this video, we tackle some of the internet's most controversial dog training advice with our Professional Dog Trainers to ensure you get the BEST dog training advice on the internet!

The BIGGEST Mistake New Puppy Owners Make -

Common Mistakes New Puppy Owners Make Playlist -

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00:00 The Internet Is Full Of Bad Dog Training Advice
00:17 Using Treats Will Make Your Dog Fat
01:01 Kneeing A Dog In The Chest Will Stop Them From Jumping FAST
01:22 Dogs Hold Grudges & Act Out Of Spite Towards You
01:56 Turning Your Back Will Stop Unwanted Behaviours
02:39 Using Pee Pads Will Make Potty Training Faster
03:21 Playing Tug Will Make Your Dog Aggressive
04:07 Dogs Only Wag Their Tails When They Are Happy
04:45 You Should Wait To Start Training Your Puppy
05:40 Dogs Only Respect Owners That Assert Their Dominance
06:05 Your Dog Will Grow Out Of Unwanted Behaviours
06:36 You Can’t Teach An Old Dog New Tricks
07:14 You Need To Put The Dogs Face In Their Mistake For Them To Learn

Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken

#puppytraining #dogtraining

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