10 Exotic Animals You Can Keep As Pets

10 Exotic Animals You Can Keep As Pets

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When most of us think about getting a pet, we usually focus on getting a sweet little cat, a dog, or if we’re feeling adventurous, something like a snake, but exotic pets are a whole other ballgame. From the tiniest fox in the world, a mini-kangaroo, to the deadliest cat in the world, here are ten exotic animals you can actually keep as pets.

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Fennec Foxes

Fennec Foxes are the tiniest foxes in the world, small enough that they can even be kept as pets. Even then, they are still foxes and need a lot of care to be happy as a pet. For starters, they have extremely high energy, making them hard to keep up with. Not only that, if their pen isn’t secure enough, these masterminds will even escape! They’re omnivorous, so they can be fed anything, which makes it easier to keep them too.

With those huge ears, they hear everything, so there’s nothing you can really get past them either. Although this is an animal that’s a handful and a half, those that can actually keep up with them will find that they make pretty great pets too! One that will keep you awww-ing through the day, and keep you on your feet!

Prehensile-Tailed Porcupine

The Prehensile-Tailed Porcupine is one of the cutest exotic pets one can get! They stay fairly small throughout their lives, only getting to around 2-3 feet on average. But it’s not their size or the adorable looks that make them great pets, it’s their personalities. If a prehensile-tailed porcupine clicks with a human, they straight up start acting like a bit of a prickle pup. Yup, they turn into these dog-like creatures that just want pets all the time!

They’ll just nap all day, wake up at night, and demand all of the pets available to them. They are still porcupines, though, so you can only really put them in one direction, but if they’ve bonded with you, even those single-direction pets will be extremely fun to provide!

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