The World's Weirdest Exotic Pets | Predator Pets | Real Wild

The World's Weirdest Exotic Pets | Predator Pets | Real Wild

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Having raised cattle and horses for decades, Duane Gilbert says that running a herd of zebra is almost like raising any other livestock. Duane gives a tour around his Utah ranch and introduces his unique herd. In California, we learn just how brutal Chimpanzees can be and two experts explain just what makes them such dangerous pets. And we finish up the show across the ocean in Lincolnshire at a wildlife park that's home to some unique animals not normally found in an English backyard.

Predator Pets: Thousands of people around the world keep pets that most of us would consider extreme. But to the pet owners, their relationship with their animals goes way beyond owning a dog or cat, to them, the danger factor is a positive rather than a problem. The series investigates extreme pet ownership through interviews with owners, vets, zookeepers, town officials, police and neighbors.

The World's Weirdest Exotic Pets | Predator Pets | Real Wild

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