Clicker training videos for cats - beginner & advanced tutorials

Clicker training videos for cats - beginner & advanced tutorials

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How to clicker train your cat at home with short and easy to understand training techniques. Casper is a young kitten who will get clicker training from his humans.

This video serie will serve as a tutorial for all beginner trainers and will show Casper's development in the training weeks to come.

Can I really “train” my cat? Yes, it is possible. It is a common mistake that cats cannot be trained to do tricks, such as shaking hands, and that cats will do whatever they want to do, regardless of the input from the people around them.
Most cats enjoy learning because it’s mentally stimulating and strengthens the relationship between the cat and you. Cats can be taught tricks such as sitting, shaking hands, giving high fives, playing dead, jumping through hoops, closing and opening doors, as well as many others. Start by teach tricks based on natural cat behaviors like, jumping over a pole or through a hoop on cue because jumping is natural for a cat.
Clicker training is ideal for cats, because the training agenda is in large part set by the animal being trained. Clicker training requires that the animal be a willing in the training process—and cats wouldn't have it any other way.

We will be focusing on the following "tricks" in the coming video's
1. Charging the clicker
2. Sit
3. High Five
4. Roll Over
5. Jump up
6. Jump through
7. Fetch
8. Give left paw
9. Give right paw

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About Casper:
A seal mitted lynx Ragdoll kitten, was born the 29th of June 2016. His name is Casper and ever since we got this beautiful Ragdoll in our family, I am inspired. Gathering all possible information, I created IamCasper to share all new Ragdoll lovers need to know about Ragdolls, to connect with other Ragdoll and cat loving people and to inspire the world with beautiful Ragdoll photography.

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