Your Puppy Training Plan Will FAIL Without THESE 3 Things

Your Puppy Training Plan Will FAIL Without THESE 3 Things

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Most new puppy owners are missing 3 essential parts to their puppy training plans!

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00:00 - Your Puppy Training Plan WILL Fail Without THESE!
00:34 - Supervision
02:17 - How To use The Puppy Training House-line
03:53 - Stop Unwanted Puppy Behaviour Using The House-line
04:37 - Good Puppy Supervision Means Good Follow Through As Well
05:59 - You Need To Show Your Puppy What You Expect
07:23 - Use The Versatility Of The Puppy Training House-line To Your Advantage
08:34 - Timing
08:59 - Building Value For The Word “Yes” With Your Puppy
09:12 - Your Voice Is A POWERFUL Tool In Your Puppy Training
09:24 - Using The Right Puppy Training Tools For Good Timing
09:55 - How To Reward Your Puppy Properly
10:51 - The Benefits Of A Puppy Treat Training Pouch
12:12 - Leadership
12:49 - Building Leadership With Your Puppy Using Toys
14:59 - How To Teach Tug & Out With Your Puppy
16:55 - When Your Puppy Isn’t Interested In Toys

Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken

#puppytrainingplan #mccanndogs

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